ࡱ> 25/01 9bjbj̚̚ ys7>) J J 8$MO~L!:!!!6D6$ 7MMMMMMM,QTM 73z(6| 7 7M;!!(O;;; 7&!!M; 7M;;L|@6TMrꨵ70MMO0MOBMU;U$TM;TM` 7 7 7MM; 7 7 7MOU 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7J :    SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  2014-2015 Organization Registration Packet Name of Organization __________________________________________________ Type of Organization  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  Academic  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  Campus  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  Honor  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  NPHC Registration Packets must be typed and returned to the Office of Student Activities along with the registration fee to be considered for recognition: Complete and print the packet, then sign/date where applicable. Registration Fee: $75 P CHECKLIST P  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  Membership and Officer Requirements  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  Statement of Organizational Privileges & Responsibilities  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  Application for Recognition  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  On-Campus Advisor Form  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  Off-Campus Advisor Form  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  Anti-Hazing Statement  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  Organization Officer Form  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  Organization Roster  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  Organization Constitution  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  2014-2015 Proposed Calendar of Events MEMBERSHIP AND OFFICER REQUIREMENTS The organization must be created and controlled by currently enrolled students of С with a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA. Officers must maintain a 2.5 cumulative GPA. A minimum of three currently enrolled С students is required to register a student organization. Membership in a registered student organization is limited to students enrolled for at least three semester credit hours at С. Officers must include a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. All officers of a registered student organization must be currently enrolled in and successfully complete at least twelve credit hours during the semester(s) in which they are officers. All officers must be in good academic and conduct standing. A student on academic or disciplinary probation may not hold office but may continue as an organization member. At least one officer must participate in mandatory Council of Presidents meetings/workshops as set by the SGA 1st Vice President. Membership and all privileges, including voting and officer positions, must be extended to all students without regard to age, ethnicity, gender, disability, color, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, or veteran status. Religious student organizations will not be denied registration solely because they limit membership or leadership positions to students who share the same religious beliefs. These groups, however, may not discriminate in membership or leadership on any other prohibited basis (i.e. age, ethnicity, gender, disability, color, national origin, race, sexual orientation, or veteran status). If at any time your organization no longer meets eligibility, you are no longer entitled to the privileges granted to registered student organizations and you are obligated to inform the Office of Student Activities.      President/Chairperson NameSignatureDateSTATEMENT OF ORGANIZATIONAL PRIVILEGES AND RESPONSIBILITIES I hereby acknowledge that I understand the privileges of a registered student organization as stated below: Solicitation of membership on campus under the organization name. Use of campus duplicating and mail services. Use of campus bulletin boards and campus monitors for marketing purposes. Individualized organization webpage on С official website and opportunity to be featured in С yearbook. Opportunity and consideration for campus organization awards. Opportunity to be represented by an organization king and/or queen. Solicitation of funds on campus under the organization name when such solicitation is in accordance with С policy. Opportunity to request an appropriation of funds from the Student Government Association. Use of campus facilities for meetings and activities, after the academic needs of the College have been met. Access to special services for organizations, such as student organization workshops, and any other services/activities that may be available or developed for the benefit of registered organizations. I also understand that as President/Chairperson, I have the responsibilities as stated below: To ensure all members/participants are approved, registered С students and that the organization remains in compliance with rules and regulations set by the organization and the College. To sponsor activities which reflect the mission, purpose, and ideal of С, and which will not be in conflict with the institutions image or orderly operation. The following programs must be planned for the academic year: 2 on-campus programs for all students (1 per semester), 1 fundraiser, 1 community service project, and 1 donation of at least $50 to the United Negro College Fund (UNCF). Failure to sponsor the required programs will result in the organization being placed on probation. To ensure that all requisitions are turned in for events/guest speakers and pre-approved by the Office of Student Activities before the appropriate deadline. To ensure that the funds allocated to the organization are expended appropriately. Funds may be revoked if there is a violation of college, community, state, or federal laws or regulations. To ensure that payment is made for any college expenses incurred by the organization. To inform the Office of Student Activities of any changes in organization officers, advisor(s), and their contact information, as well as submitting an End-of-Year Report by the stated deadline      President/Chairperson NameSignatureDate APPLICATION FOR RECOGNITION TYPE OF APPLICATION:  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  New  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  Renewal TYPE OF ORGANIZATION:  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  Academic  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  Campus  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  Honor  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  NPHC We, the undersigned, request that our organization be officially recognized as an official student organization of С with the right to all organizational privileges, unless a probationary period is in effect. All required materials to register this organization are attached and we are aware of the general and programming requirements needed to maintain an active status. We understand that failing to abide by the stated requirements and responsibilities may risk this organization being placed on probation. Our members are part-time or full-time students of С and the organizations purpose and activities are not in conflict with Сs purposes, regulations and policies, or with state and/or federal laws and regulations. We guarantee full cooperation with the colleges standards and regulations. Name of Organization:      Purpose/Mission:      Additional Requirements and/or Limitations on Memberships:      National Affiliation:      GPA Requirement:      Meeting Place:      Days:      Time:                 President/Chairperson NameClassification          Mobile Phone NumberEmail AddressSignatureDate ON-CAMPUS ADVISOR CONSENT FORM Advisor Qualifications As an On-Campus Advisor, one must: Be a Paine College faculty or staff member, preferably one who has some expertise in areas expressed in the purpose of the club or organization. NPHC Advisors must be a member of the organization, preferably in good financial standing. Be approved by the Director of Student Activities and Vice President of Student Affairs and in some cases, Administrative Council approval may be necessary. Read, fully understand, and uphold the policies as stated in the Student Handbook and the Student Life Policy Manual. Attend all scheduled events, programs, and meetings. Advisor Agreement I have read and I acknowledge that I meet all of the qualifications and accept the position as a primary advisor. I will continue to familiarize myself with С rules and regulations and attend workshops as it pertains to governing student organizations. I will assist the organization in developing programs and projects, as well as ensuring the proper keeping of records and handling of funds. As instructed in the С Student Handbook, as well as the Student Life Policy Manual, I will assist the organization in conducting its affairs accordingly. I will ensure that any activities, meetings, and guest speakers will reflect the mission, purpose, and ideal of С and will not be in conflict with the institution image or orderly operation.           Organization NameOn-Campus Advisor Name          Campus TitleEmail Address          Campus Phone NumberMobile Phone NumberSignatureDate OFF-CAMPUS ADVISOR CONSENT FORM (NPHC ORGANIZATIONS ONLY) Advisor Qualifications As an Off-Campus Advisor, one must: Be a member of the organization and affiliated with the local graduate chapter. Be approved by the Director of Student Activities and the С National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) Advisor. Read, fully understand, and uphold the policies as stated in the С Student Handbook and the Student Life Policy Manual. Participate in any off-campus intake procedures. Participate in evening off-campus meetings and events. Advisor Agreement I have read and I acknowledge that I meet all of the qualifications necessary and accept the position as a secondary advisor. I will continue to familiarize myself with С rules and regulations and attend workshops as it pertains to governing student organizations. As instructed in the С Student Handbook, as well as the Student Life Policy Manual, I will assist the organization in conducting its affairs accordingly. I will ensure that any activities, meetings, and guest speakers will reflect the mission, purpose, and ideal of Paine College and will not be in conflict with the institution image.           Organization NameOff-Campus Advisor Name          Advisor AddressCity/State/Zip Code          Email AddressMobile Phone NumberSignatureDate ANTI-HAZING STATEMENT Hazing in any form is prohibited at С. According to Georgia state law ( 16-5-61), it shall be unlawful for any person to haze any student in connection with or as a condition or precondition of gaining acceptance, membership, office, or other status in a school organization. "Haze" means to subject a student to an activity which endangers or is likely to endanger the physical health of a student, regardless of a student's willingness to participate in such activity. Hazing activities are generally considered to be: physically abusive, hazardous, and/or sexually violating. The specific behaviors or activities within these categories vary widely among participants, groups and settings. Examples of typical hazing practices include, but are not limited to: personal servitude; sleep deprivation and restrictions on personal hygiene; yelling, swearing and insulting new members/rookies; being forced to wear embarrassing or humiliating attire in public; consumption of vile substances or smearing of such on one's skin; physical beatings; binge drinking and drinking games; sexual simulation and sexual assault. At no time shall an organization ask or allow any of its prospective members to: Damage or destroy property on or off the campus; Participate in any activity that will disrupt regular campus activities, such as, classes, residence hall programs, religious services, study hours, etc.; Participate in any activity that will reflect unfavorably upon the college or the organization; Be required to perform personal or menial tasks; Be hazed in any manner (physically or mentally). Hazing is a serious offense and will be subject to penalties by the College as well as law enforcement agencies. Any person who violates this code section shall be guilty of an offense of a high and aggravated nature. According to the С Student Handbook, violators will be sanctioned to one year suspension from the College. It i'HIJ_     $ % < = > ? @ Żׯ၉yqijh^pRUjh^pRUjDh^pRUjh^pRUjh^pR@CJ$OJQJUh^pR>*@CJ$OJQJh^pR>*@CJ$h^pR@CJ$OJQJh^pRCJ0OJQJh"Eh^pRCJ0h"EhgCJ0h^pR@OJQJ"jh^pRUmHnHsHtHuh^pRjh^pRU)(IJ_F : < > @ B D p r t $a$$a$$1$a$$@a$@$a$$a$ $@^a$@ F : < D j n p t v , . \ ^ ` b d    ƺ}}kc}}}k[}}}kjh^pRUj*h^pRU"jh^pRUmHnHsHtHujh^pR@CJ$OJQJUh^pR@CJ$OJQJh^pR:@CJ$OJQJh^pR:@CJ$OJQJ h^pR:@h"Eh^pR5CJ aJ h"Ehg5CJ aJ h"Eh&5CJ aJ h"ECJ h^pRCJh^pRCJOJQJh^pR@CJ$OJQJ * ' \ 0 h   h^h & F h^h`dh^$dha$$hdh^h`a$ ( ) @ A B C D ] ^ u v w x y      1 2 I J K L M i j ɹɱɩɡəɑh"E@CJ$OJQJjh^pRUj:h^pRUjh^pRUjh^pRUjTh^pRUjh^pRUjh^pRU"jh^pRUmHnHsHtHuh^pR@CJ$OJQJjh^pR@CJ$OJQJUjnh^pRU4   LNbdnp {gB!" 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Any known incidents of hazing should be immediately reported to the Office of Student Activities.      President/Chairperson NameSignatureDate     On-Campus Advisor NameSignatureDate     Off-Campus Advisor NameSignatureDate OFFICER FORM List all of the organization s officers. This form should be submitted at least once per semester and if any changes occur. A President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer are required of each organization. If the organization has only three members, the secretary shall also serve as treasurer. Attach additional sheets if needed. Organization NameOrganization Type     Click here to choose. NAMEIDPOSITIONPHONE NUMBEREMAIL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ROSTER FORM List all of the active members of the organization. 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Name of Organization:       ROSTER IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER  print name and ID number (attach additional sheets if needed) 1.      21.      2.      22.      3.      23.      4.      24.      5.      25.      6.      26.      7.      27.      8.      28.      9.      29.      10.      30.      11.      31.      12.      32.      13.      33.      14.      34.      15.      35.      16.      36.      17.      37.      18.      38.      19.      39.           PAINE COLLEGE OFFICE OF STUDENT ACTIVITIES Candice L. 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Hillman, Assistant Director   PAGE 2 2014-2015 Organization Registration Packet Peters Campus Center, Suite 219 * Office: 706.821.8634 *  HYPERLINK "http://www.paine.edu" www.paine.edu  PAGE 2 2014-2015 Organization Registration Packet Peters Campus Center, Suite 219 * Office: 706.821.8634 www.paine.edu ]8^8_8`8i888888888888899999 9/9t9v9w9x9y9z9{9|9}9~999sȷo[[[[['h^pRB*PJ_HmHnHphsHtHh h{hvCJOJQJmHnHuh^pRhuChuC5OJQJh^pR5OJQJh@FhuC0J5OJQJjhuC5OJQJUhuC5OJQJhuCOJQJh^pROJQJhgOJQJh^pRCJOJQJjh^pRCJOJQJUhgCJOJQJmHnHu#z9{9|9}9~999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999+h^pRB*CJPJ_HmHnHphsHtHh 'h^pRB*PJ_HmHnHphsHtHh^pR*99999999999999999999gd&5 01F:pg/ T=!"# $ % n:PVrBu $T2AhPNG  IHDRpPLTEmY# ܓR9쩜[DmdNvcxcdfʞ657GGI|~UVXpqtlYI/%ZwbKGDH cmPPJCmp0712HsNIDATx^흇"E## ׌Weu&t[܄n8&@qXÄnvu+0 4z 2d26U! r- MN7ܹ MNVT0 ihr:.O.O^f[b8T ku`疋) MNV0Aː!0C&HGսy\\/DxC8$IG w6C$IGS ah8G$#y)$Ib";Eeen|!@$#׈&EC$IGѹa"rJp$I8|ġG{B$#پT[hrpDA lH]>4Ɯ<Q8|mXX L _9Q8|mNRH׆%$r(EJ~Z,5<Q8}pi [7߾'8ճձհbC!)+=Nōl.`W85ELjpn8#YW8YiHp"ƚ#CX)o%phl7HԈݛ!  _=X+)[SjH*khu8!(NTTG"JTsiw*ONCu7\PV ARsWauej8+˴GMjpeSqb )7Q1R jD*\Tu!'*"[)7ܭ,b n32GRTgUZS*b[QLΌS*!pLEvv >81E=56Ѵ&<3Y-WC#7eY8N.Bd[ Y, \QTjw32~-WԼd(GGj4,2d254B"BD) tY".C.CX<*qY"p8. 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