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PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE: _______________________________________ ____________________________ Student Name Student Social Security Number I authorize the С Financial Aid Office to release information to the following (do not list yourself): ________________________________________________________________________________________ Last Name First Name Middle _______/___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Month/Year of Birth Last 4-digits of SSN Relationship to Student __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Last Name First Name Middle ______/___________________________________________________________________________________________ Month/Year of Birth Last 4-digits of SSN Relationship to Student __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Last Name First Name Middle _______/___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Month/Year of Birth Last 4-digits of SSN Relationship to Student * To confirm the identity of the above person(s) authorized to receive the student financial information, С employees will not release information if the month/year of birth and the last 4-digits of the SSN is not provided. I understand that this authorization will remain in effect from the date the Financial Aid Office notes receipt of this form until the last day of Summer Semester 2017, unless I provide the Financial Aid Office with a written cancellation notice. __________________________________________________ _____________________________________ Student Signature Date ]_`ft   u   R T ھھڶwiwiwhB{hnk56OJQJhB{hnkOJQJ hB{h;'56OJQJ\]hB{h;'OJQJ h;'CJh;'CJOJQJh|OJQJh;'OJQJhCJOJQJ^JaJhzDCJOJQJ^JaJh;'CJOJQJ^JaJh;'CJOJQJaJh;'CJOJQJaJ#t  ( \ ] ^ ,  & Fh^hgdnk$a$$a$ 0^`0 &dP ( 4 = \ ] ^ + , O [ ` b c ɅɁ}wii^i^i^iRiRh:]h;'5OJQJh:]5CJOJQJh:]h;'5CJOJQJ h;'CJhBeh;'h:]h;'5>*\ h;'5CJOJQJ\^JaJh;'5OJQJ\^JaJ h5CJOJQJ\^JaJh;'OJQJ h;'5\h:]5CJ\h5CJ\h;'5CJ\ hnk5\hB{h;'5OJQJ\ , O [  !_`abr $^a$gd:] & F $h^ha$gd:]^h^h hh^h`h !y_`abeqrǼǼǼǶn!h:]h;'6CJOJQJ\]h:]h;'CJOJQJ\]h:]hwCJOJQJ\]!h:]hw6CJOJQJ\] hnkCJ h;'CJh:]5CJOJQJh:]h;'5CJOJQJh:]h;'5OJQJh:]h5OJQJh:]5OJQJhnk5OJQJ(PQR˿h;'CJOJQJ^Jh;'5CJOJQJ\^Jh;'CJOJQJ^J h;'5\h-I5CJ\hhd5CJ\h;'5CJ\ h;'CJh:]h;'CJOJQJ$a$^z+p,p-p.p1h/R 4567:p,/:/ =!"#h$% x2 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@66666_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontViV  Table Normal :V 44 la (k (No List H@H  Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJDB@D Body Text$a$CJOJQJ^JPK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭V (BO)MBT.$@0H!A>풠Uc-zD[&!rX=}zC0` ި%.]Ssd--7 +fOZեrŵVœ\lji2ZGwm-3˵j7\ Uk5FҨ-:xRkcr3Ϣ+9kji9OP Et-j|#p;E=Ɖ5Z2sgF=8 K}*7c<`*HJTcB<{Jc]\ Ҡk=ti"MGfIw&9ql> $>HmPd{(6%z:"'/f7w0qBcF6f Iöi1(\}B5ҹ~Bcr6I;}mY/lIz1!) ac 1fm ƪN^I77yrJ'd$s<{uC>== Ƌ(uX=WA NC2>GK<(C,ݖm: &-8j^N܀ݑ$4:/x vTu>*ٞn{M.Ǿ0v4<1>&ⶏVn.B>1CḑOk!#;Ҍ}$pQ˙y')fY?u \$/1d8*ZI$G#d\,{uk<$:lWV j^ZơSc*+ESa1똀 k3Ģxzjv3,jZU3@jWu;z \v5i?{8&==ϘNX1?  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