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Students Social Security Number Students ID # ___________________________ ___ _______ __________ _________________________________________________________ City State Zip Code Students Email Address __________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Students С Phone Number (include area code) Students Alternate or Cell Phone Number B. Explanation of Circumstances Explain on a separate sheet why you were unable to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards, using the following guidelines: Be specific in describing the factors that caused your academic difficulties. Outline the changes you have made that will allow you to improve your academic performance. C. Appeal Documentation You must attach appropriate supporting documentation to this form, according to these guidelines: If a family member of significant person in your life has died, please attach a copy of the obituary or death certificate. If you, a family member, or a significant person in your life has had a serious illness, accident, or injury, please attach a statement from a doctor or other professional third party, and/or a police report, and/or hospital bill. If you or your parent has had a divorce, please attach a copy of a letter from an attorney or the divorce decree. If you have experienced personal problems or issues with your spouse, family, or roommate, please attach a statement from a doctor, counselor, attorney, or other professional third party. D. Filing Instructions The filing deadline for SAP appeal consideration for Fall Semester 2024 is June 11, 2024. For Spring Semester 2025 is January 10, 2025. Incomplete appeals will not be considered. Sign and date all documents. Sign and return this form along with all appeal documentation to: С Financial Aid Office 1235 Fifteenth Street Augusta, GA 30901 I acknowledge receipt of the 2024-2025 Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Guidelines. 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