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You and a parent whose information was reported on the FAFSA must complete and sign this institutional verification document, attach any required documents, and submit the form and other required documents to us. We may ask for additional information. If you have questions about verification, contact us as soon as possible so that your financial aid will not be delayed. Students Information ____________________________________________ _____________________________ Students Last Name First Name M.I. Students Identification (ID) Number _____________________________________________ _____________________________ Students Street Address (include apt. no.) Students Date of Birth _____________________________________________ _____________________________ City, State Zip Code Students Email Address (____)________________________________________ (____)_______________________ Students С Phone Number (include area code) Students Alternate or Cell Phone Number High School Completion Status Provide one of the following documents that will indicate your high school completion status when you begin college in 20242025: A copy of your high school diploma. A copy of your final official high school transcript that shows the date when the diploma was awarded. A state certificate or transcript you received after you passed a State-authorized examination (GED test, HiSET, TASC, or other State-authorized examination) that the State recognizes as the equivalent of a high school diploma. If you completed secondary education in a foreign country, a copy of the secondary school leaving certificate or other similar document. An academic transcript that indicates you successfully completed at least a two-year program that is acceptable for full credit toward a bachelors degree. If you were homeschooled in a state where state law requires you to obtain a secondary school completion credential for homeschool (other than a high school diploma or its recognized equivalent), a copy of that credential. If you were homeschooled in a state where state law does not require you to obtain a secondary school completion credential for homeschool (other than a high school diploma or its recognized equivalent), a transcript or the equivalent, signed by your parent or guardian, that lists the secondary school courses you completed and includes a statement that you successfully completed a secondary school education in a homeschool setting. Contact the financial aid office if you are unable to obtain the documentation listed above. Identity and Statement of Educational Purpose (To Be Signed In the Presence of a Notary) If you are unable to appear in person at __________________________________________ (Name of Postsecondary Educational Institution) to verify your identity, you must provide: A copy of the valid government-issued photo identification (ID) that is acknowledged in the notary statement below or that is presented to a notary, such as, but not limited to, a drivers license, other state-issued ID, or passport; and The original Statement of Educational Purpose, which is provided below, must be notarized. Statement of Educational Purpose I certify that I _____________________________ am the individual signing this (Print Students Name) Statement of Educational Purpose and that the Federal student financial assistance I may receive will only be used for educational purposes and to pay the cost of attending _________________________________________ for 20242025. (Name of Postsecondary Educational Institution) _________________________________________ _______________ (Students Signature) (Date) ______________________ (Students ID Number) Notarys Certificate of Acknowledgement State of _____________________________________________________________________ City/County of ________________________________________________________________ On_____________________, before me, __________________________________________, (Date) (Notarys name) personally appeared __________________________________________ and proved to me (Printed name of signer) on basis of satisfactory evidence of identification______________________________________ (Type of government-issued photo ID provided) to be the above-named person who signed the foregoing instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal (seal) ________________________________________ (Notary signature) My commission expires on _________________________ (Date) Students Name _______________________________ Students ID Number ________________ Child Support Paid Enter information for one or both of your parents included in the household and/or you, if you paid child support in 2022. List below the names of the persons who paid the child support, the names of the persons to whom the child support was paid, the names and ages of the children for whom the child support was paid, and the total annual amount of child support that was paid in 2022 for each child. If more space is needed, provide a separate page that includes the students name and ID number at the top. Name of Person Who Paid Child SupportName of Person to Whom Child Support was PaidName and Age of Child for Whom Support Was PaidAnnual Amount of Child Support Paid in 2022 Total Amount of Child Support Paid$ Note: If we have reason to believe that the information regarding child support paid is inaccurate, we may require additional documentation, such as: A signed statement from the individual receiving the child support certifying the amount of child support received; or Copies of the child support payment checks, money order receipts, or similar records of electronic payments having been made. Certifications and Signatures  Certifications and Signatures Each person signing below certifies that all of the information reported is complete and correct. The student and one parent whose information was reported on the FAFSA must sign and date. ________________________________________ ________________________ Print Students Name Students ID Number ________________________________________ ________________________ Students Signature Date ________________________________________ ________________________ Parents Signature Date Please do not mail this worksheet to the U.S. Department of Education. Be sure to save a copy of this worksheet for your records. Submit this worksheet to: С Financial Aid Office 1235 Fifteenth Street Augusta, GA 30901 706-822-8262 (Office) 706-822-8691 (Fax)     Page  PAGE 2 of  NUMPAGES 3 WARNING: If you purposely give false or misleading information, you may be fined, sent to prison, or both. \^_esֵֵ֦֎yyddOd)hOp_5B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph)hy5B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph)hx5B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph/h gh9x5B*CJOJQJ\^JaJphh55CJOJQJ^JaJ#h gh>B5CJOJQJ^JaJh5CJOJQJ^JaJ#h gh;'5CJOJQJ^JaJh;'CJOJQJaJh;'CJOJQJaJsf g } ~ 8 9 )`agdy & F gdygdy 7$8$H$gdy $7$8$H$a$gd9x 0^`0 &dP    f g } ~  8 9 )`a23;>A%N.Ѽyhyhy>*CJaJhyhy5CJaJhxCJaJhyhyCJaJ/h ghy5B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph)h9x5B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph/h gh9x5B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph,h gh9x5B*CJOJQJ^JaJph/23A%N.@ABCb & F gdy$a$gdy & F gdygdy?@ABCb}~MmIMNRT  !IJ }} hyhyB*CJ\aJph#hyhy5B*CJ\aJphhyhyB*CJaJphhxCJaJhyhy5CJaJh{#hy5 h{#hyhGhy5 hy5hTghy5 hyCJhyCJaJhyhyCJaJ1}~MmT  !I`gdy ]^gdy]gdy ]^gdy^gdygdy$a$gdygdyh^hgdy & F gdyIJ9b'v./ & F gdy gdy p^p`gdy ^`gdy ^`gdygdy$a$gdy 9ERbu&'Ruv!-./4 5 [ 佴hyCJaJhxCJaJ h{#hy hy5h{#hy5h{#hyCJ hyCJ#hyhy5B*CJ\aJphhyhyB*CJaJphhyhyCJaJ hyhyB*CJ\aJph4/4 5 [ $$Ifa$gdGYgdy ^UUUU $IfgdGYkd$$Ifl\p$% Z  t0644 lalytGY b!d!e!f!!!u"v"""""####3#4#i######8$k$l$$$$$%+%,%%%%%%&&&&ĺ讠h5CJ\aJh gh5CJ\aJhyh5CJaJh{#hy5CJjhyUmHnHu hy5h{#hy5h{#hyCJhyhyCJaJhyhy5CJaJ: ^UUUU $IfgdGYkd$$Ifl\p$% Z  t0644 lalytGY ^UUUU $IfgdGYkdH$$Ifl\p$% Z  t0644 lalytGY b!d!^UU $IfgdGYkd$$Ifl\p$% Z  t0644 lalytGYd!e!f!!!u"v"""##3#wrwrj & F gdygdy & F gdygdy{kd$$Ifl0p$p t0644 lalytGY 3#4#i######8$k$l$$$$%+%,%%%%%%&&*&=&$a$gdgd]gdygdy^gdy&*&/&1&=&>&?&@&A&B&C&D&E&F&G&H&I&J&O&P&V&W&X&Y&]&^&i&j&k&l&m&n&o&p&y&&&&&&&&&&&&˩||hy#h6/hy5CJOJQJ^JaJhy5CJOJQJ^JaJh,/:h/hDh55\mHnHu h5\jh5U\hhMjhMUh gh9x5CJaJh5CJ\aJh gh5CJ\aJ-=&>&@&A&C&D&F&G&I&J&m&n&o&p&&&&&&gdy$a$gdDgd9xz+p,p-p.p1h/R 4567:p/ =!"#h$% $$Ifl!vh#v#v% #vZ #v:V l t0655% 5Z 5alytGY$$Ifl!vh#v#v% #vZ #v:V l t0655% 5Z 5alytGY$$Ifl!vh#v#v% #vZ #v:V l t0655% 5Z 5alytGY$$Ifl!vh#v#v% #vZ #v:V l t0655% 5Z 5alytGY$$Ifl!vh#vp#v:V l t065p5alytGYx02 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@66666_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontVi@V  Table Normal :V 44 la (k (No List HH  Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJDBD Body Text$a$CJOJQJ^Jfof 9xDefault 7$8$H$1B*CJOJPJQJ^J_HaJmH phsH tH # 9x Table Grid7:V0CJOJPJQJ^JaJ@2@ DHeader  H$ mHsHtH6/A6 D Header CharCJaJ@ @R@ D0Footer  H$ mHsHtH6/a6 D0 Footer CharCJaJH@rH y List Paragraph ^m$PJPK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭V (BO)MBT.$@0H!A>풠Uc-zD[&!rX=}zC0` ި%.]Ssd--7 +fOZեrŵVœ\lji2ZGwm-3˵j7\ Uk5FҨ-:xRkcr3Ϣ+9kji9OP Et-j|#p;E=Ɖ5Z2sgF=8 K}*7c<`*HJTcB<{Jc]\ Ҡk=ti"MGfIw&9ql> $>HmPd{(6%z:"'/f7w0qBcF6f Iöi1(\}B5ҹ~Bcr6I;}mY/lIz1!) ac 1fm ƪN^I77yrJ'd$s<{uC>== Ƌ(uX=WA NC2>GK<(C,ݖm: &-8j^N܀ݑ$4:/x vTu>*ٞn{M.Ǿ0v4<1>&ⶏVn.B>1CḑOk!#;Ҍ}$pQ˙y')fY?u \$/1d8*ZI$G#d\,{uk<$:lWV j^ZơSc*+ESa1똀 k3Ģxzjv3,jZU3@jWu;z \v5i?{8&==ϘNX1?  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