Supplemental Instruction Coordinator, Writing and STEAM Center


Position Title:                               Supplemental Instruction Coordinator, Writing and STEAM Center

Reports To:                                   Director of the Tutorial and Enrichment Center

Terms of Employment:             10 months

Salary Range:

FLSA Classification:                    Exempt, Title III, Grant-funded Position


Note:  This position is part of a Title III Grant-funded activity.



Supplemental Instruction Coordinator, Writing and STEAM Center (100%, 10-month position, Title III Grant-funded)


1.      Master's Degree in College Student Personnel, Education, STEM or Humanities disciplinary field

2.      Minimum of two (2) years of experience in higher education

3.      Familiarity with supplemental instruction

4.      Minimum of one (1) year of experience supervising undergraduate students

5.      Demonstrated experience working with a diverse population

6.      Demonstrated experience leading a tutoring workshop in writing and/or STEM field involving mathematics, chemistry or biology

7.      Demonstrated ability to teach content matter to others to enable conceptual understanding of lessons

8.      Possess the ability to communicate clearly and effectively verbally, in writing, and within a classroom instructional environment in front of groups


Under the direction of the Director of the Tutorial and Enrichment Center, the supplemental instruction coordinator will provide academic support services for all С»ÆÊé students which include traditional, non-traditional, transfer, first generation, academically at-risk, and underrepresented students in specific majors, students with disabilities, or a combination of these groups. 


Duties and essential responsibilities are the following:

1.     Provide supplemental instruction in mathematics, chemistry, biology, and/or English

2.     Assess individual student study and classroom needs and develop strategies to address those needs

3.     Help students to build study groups, foster critical thinking, and strengthen positive study habits

4.     Provide regularly scheduled study sessions that target courses with high D, W, F rates

5.     Integrate content and learning skills in challenging courses, particularly introductory mathematics, biology, and chemistry

6.     Attend class sections of challenging courses and create follow-up lesson plans based on course content to be in alignment with the course for tutoring sessions

7.     Have a strong understanding of the curriculum in courses for which supplemental instruction will be offered

8.     Collaborate proactively with faculty on supplemental instruction to be offered outside of the classroom

9.     Host weekly small group sessions reiterating/covering course content

10.  Advise students concerning course studying, specific content challenges, and campus resources

11.  Review study techniques, notes, readings, homework assignments, and lesson plans with students as well as aid in preparing for examinations

12.  Enhance students' understanding of course content

13.  Assist with the implementation of programs and services offered by the Tutorial and Enrichment Center

14.  Provide appropriate academic support through effective case management

15.  Track activities related to supplemental instruction and report in real time to the Director of the Tutorial and Enrichment Center and the Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs suggested changes to avert or change the direction of declines.

16.  Submit monthly reports to the Director of the Tutorial and Enrichment Center that reflect the amount of time spent (time and effort reporting) on the objectives of the Title III activity

17.  Establish a schedule to meet with students

18.  Create a meaningful environment for learning through student engagement

19.  Help students to improve their understanding of course material and study skills

20.  Maintain documentation of assessments and meetings with students

21.  Perform other duties and responsibilities as assigned by supervisor


General hours expected to be worked are between:

·       8:30am to 8pm Mondays through Thursdays

·       8:30am to 5:00pm Fridays

These hours are subject to change at any time with the needs of the institution.


Evaluation:  Annual performance of this job will be evaluated in accordance with the college's evaluation instrument for staff.  Periodic performance measures will be used to ascertain whether goals are being achieved. 


Physical Requirements (The sum of all requirements should be equal to 100%). 

Lifting:  5%        Standing:  20%               Sitting:  60%                   Walking:  10%                   Driving:  5%


Staging Enabled