Strength can be found in numbers, and we need help from all HBCU friends
September 13, 2019
We have 18 days to impact Congress and save the Mandatory Title III / Part F program before it expires. If it expires on September 30, 2019, HBCUs will fall off an $85 million a year cliff. Here's what you can do to save this money for HBCUs:
We are 18 days away from HBCUs losing $85 million a year to educate our students. С»ÆÊé stands to lose $500,000 per year. The program we are trying to protect and get funded is the Mandatory Title III / SAFRA funding-expiring on September 30, 2019.
To save this money for HBCUs:
1. Go to
2. Click "write your Member of Congress"
3. Fill out the blank fields & click "next"
4. Click submit. The pre-written letter will send to your Member of the House of Representatives and both US Senators. You will get an email from the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) confirming your letters were sent.
It is that easy to protect $85 million per year for HBCUs, let Congress know HBCUs matter...and to protect our FUTURE!
Share the following social media links:
And you should know that Senator Doug Jones (AL) just gave a speech on the Senate floor about HBCUs and urging the passage of the FUTURE Act (Mandatory Title III / Part F funding). You can view the speech .