С»ÆÊé Announces Fall 2020 Reopening Plan
July 26, 2020
AUGUSTA, GA (July 22) - С»ÆÊé Announces Fall 2020 Reopening in Virtual Remote Environment.
Dear С»ÆÊé Family,
Undoubtedly, we are witnessing unprecedented times with the entire globe impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. С»ÆÊé's initial plan was to reopen the campus for face-to-face instruction for Fall 2020. If you have been keeping up with the news, you will have seen the number of COVID cases rising in more than 40 states including Georgia. It has become clear that there is a safety risk associated with COVID-19 and reopening the Fall semester in a face-to-face environment.
In planning for the fall semester, the health and safety needs of our students, faculty, staff, and С»ÆÊé family remain our top priority. Out of an abundance of caution, the decision has been made to continue instruction by remote delivery.
First day of classes will begin in a virtual environment starting August 3, 2020. We will continue teaching and learning remotely through the end of finals on November 24, 2020. Be assured, our online curriculum will be rigorous and engaging. Faculty and staff will maintain office hours and work to support student success.
Even though the COVID-19 pandemic has changed some of the ways the College operates, the mission remains the same, and that is to provide our students with access to a high-quality and transformational educational experience.
To ensure student success, new and transfer students will receive technology training on the College's virtual delivery platform Blackboard Collaborate. Training will be offered during Virtual New Student Orientation scheduled July 31 to August 2, 2020. Returning students will also have access to additional training, if needed.
Please continue to check the College's website for general information. Please keep these key and important dates on your calendar.
Below are key dates for the upcoming academic year:
July 31-August 2 - New Student Orientation (Virtual)
August 3 - Classes begin with remote delivery of instruction
November 19-24 - Final Exams (Potential for some Saturday exams)
January 11 - Classes begin for Spring Semester 2021
As we move forward, let us continue to work together in remaining strong and staying positive as we navigate through these ever-changing and challenging times.
Dr. Cheryl Evans Jones,
President С»ÆÊé, Augusta, Georgia
View Virtual New Student Orientation Fall 2020 Schedule – Click Here