С»ÆÊé to Host the Evelyn G. Etheridge Conference On The Harlem Renaissance
May 18, 2018
The Department of Humanities at С»ÆÊé requests proposals for the 21st Evelyn G. Etheridge Conference on the Harlem Renaissance to be held on the campus of historic С»ÆÊé from October 31st through November 2nd. This year's conference theme is "The International Dimensions of the Harlem Renaissance." Presentations will analyze literature, history, philosophy, sociology, economics, art, music and will provide inter- and cross-disciplinary approaches from the social and political sciences, economics, and STEM.
Possible areas of inquiry include but are not limited to: International constructions of the New Negro; Negritude and its connections to the Renaissance; Black internationalism and transnationalism before, during, and after the Renaissance; Racial, sexual, sociocultural, economic, and political migrations in and out of Harlem, New York, and abroad;
• Renaissance's impact upon 20th and 21st century national and international literary, social, musical, and artistic movements;
• Afro-Diasporic Music and the shaping of Black cultures;
• Art, Representation, and the Creation of Afro-Diasporic identities;
• Race, region, identity, and sexuality in Renaissance and Afro-Diasporic literature, art, and music;
• Constructions of Black modernity within Harlem, the U.S., and abroad;
• Interactions between African- American and Afro-Diasporic writers, musicians, critics, and artists;
• Political, social, religious, economic, and cultural ideologies that were shaped and the movements that were created before, during, and after the Renaissance; • Development of Black American/Afro-Diasporic social and historical thought and philosophy in the Renaissance and in the Diaspora;
• Anti-colonial movements and the rise of postcolonial literature, music, and art;
• International alliances and contentions before, during, and after the Renaissance;
• Literary movements in Boston, Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, and Chicago during and after the Renaissance;
• Other perspectives on the theme or the Harlem Renaissance.
Submission Requirements: Individual proposals/abstracts should be no more than 250 words, and panel abstracts should be no more than 750 words. A clear explanation of the significance of the presentation is requested. Participants must indicate their status (professor, independent scholar, organizer, artist, entrepreneur, graduate student, or undergraduate student) and provide a tentative title/focus of the panel and/or individual presentation, along with contact information. Proposals/Abstracts should be submitted by no later than 11:59 pm on Friday, August 31, 2018.
Submit electronically to JJones3@paine.edu or by postal mail by at the following address:
Prof. Jeffrey Lanier Jones
Chairperson Conference on the Harlem Renaissance Department of Humanities С»ÆÊé
1235 Fifteenth Street
Augusta, GA 30901