October 17, 2018
On October 17, 2018 during the morning Assembly at С»ÆÊé, Trustee J. R. Henderson encouraged students to stay the course, finish the race, and keep God centered in their lives. He reminded students that his Alma Mater, for 135 years, withstood hardships and endured challenging times. "Like so many institutions of higher learning, you will go through tough times, but stay the course, and let God serve as your anchor," said Trustee Henderson. Later, students joined him in chanting "we will not fail, we will not fail, and we will not fail."
President Jerry L. Hardee echoed, "For С»ÆÊé, faculty, staff and students, failure is not and never will be an option."
Campus Pastor, Rev. Luther B. Felder, closed Assembly by inviting all in attendance to gather around the altar for prayer. Students, faculty, staff and alumni joined hands in prayer for the well-being of С»ÆÊé and for the Lord to move by His Spirit throughout the campus body. The scene that followed the prayer was that of joy, warm embraces, and hope.