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С»ÆÊé Giving Tuesday Focuses on Student Emergency Fund

November 26, 2018

Join the Lion Nation Movement today! Fill the gap, ease the pain.

Traditionally held the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, Giving Tuesday is a world-wide giving day dedicated to giving back to the causes people care about most. This year, Paine's Giving Tuesday will focus on generating Emergency Funds for students that will help 'fill the gap' in cases when federal aid is not enough.

"There is a gap between what students have and what they need," said Helene Carter, AVP of Institutional Advancement. "Many of our students experience added stress of not having the financial resources to pay tuition. The reality is that for many students, there will be a financial shortfall between $1,000 and $3,000 per academic year even after federal aid is awarded." Filling the gap is the difference between helping every student who enrolls at Paine remains in school versus those who enroll and prematurely leave due to lack of funds.

Although Giving Tuesday is a 24-hour event, С»ÆÊé will utilize Giving Tuesday to launch what will become an ongoing campaign for student aid. The Office of Financial Aid will award the Gap Scholarship to students who qualify and apply funds directly to students' account.

We need your help to fill the gap for deserving students. Let's ease the pain for students and make a difference in their lives today. When you create a Facebook fundraiser for С»ÆÊé or donate via our Facebook campaign, your donation will be matched dollar-for-dollar by Facebook. To create your own fundraiser for С»ÆÊé or donate to Paine on Facebook visit: . For more information about the Gap Scholarship, contact Helene Carter in the Office of Institutional Advancement at (706) 821-8323 or email: Hcarter@paine.edu.

Join the Lion Nation movement today. Fill the gap for С»ÆÊé students.

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