Communications & Marketing
The Office of Communications and Marketing is committed to developing and maintaining a positive representation of С»ÆÊé to enhance and advance the vision to become a premier liberal arts institution of higher learning in the region. We work hard to provide the media, students and the community relevant news surrounding С»ÆÊé.
Our Mission
To effectively communicate with alumni, business partners, donors, community leaders, students, media and the community at large. This mission will be accomplished by being well organized and systematic.
Our Services
Requesting Services
The Office of Communications & Marketing has implemented a new Request for Services Form that makes it very easy for you to submit a request. It's very short, quick and to-the-point. This will help us to process your request in a timely manner as well as receive sufficient information.
To ensure that your needs are met, it is very important that you remember to observe the lead times for each area.
Please use this form to request services in the areas of:
- Website Event Calendar: At least one (1) week prior to your scheduled event
- Press Releases: At least three (3) weeks prior to the your scheduled event
- Publications: At least six (6) weeks prior to the time the publication is needed
- Photography: At least two (2) weeks prior to your scheduled event/photo shoot
- Media Relations: At least six (6) weeks prior to your scheduled campaign/event
- Advertising/Marketing: At least six (6) weeks prior to your scheduled campaign/event
- Webpage Development (new pages): At least two (2) week prior to the expected launch date
- Webpage Development (updates to existing pages): At least one (1) week prior to the expected launch date
- Digital Monitors: At least two (2) weeks prior to your scheduled event
Graphics Standards Manual
Our brand is a promise and our foundation. They are more than a name or a logo. Download full manual in PDF.