Tutorial & Enrichment Center (TEC) (Academic Success)

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Tutorial & Enrichment Center (TEC) (Academic Success)


Ms. Lynda Jenkins

Title: TEC Office Manager

Department: Tutorial & Enrichment Center (Academic Affairs)

Location: Collins-Callaway Library

Phone: (706) 821-8345

Fax: (706) 396-8533

Email: ljenkins@paine.edu

Ms. Nefateria Ellington

Title: Director of The Tutorial & Enrichment Center

Department: Tutorial & Enrichment Center (Academic Affairs)

Location: Collins-Callaway Library 

Phone: (706) 821-8341

Fax: (706) 821-8633

Email:  EllingtonN@paine.edu


TEC Program Purpose

The Tutorial & Enrichment Center (TEC) provides access and opportunities for students to expand their learning outside of the classroom through quality academic, supportive programs and resources. These opportunities further promote students in the development of positive academic habits, practice, and behaviors. Further, students will develop critical academic and nonacademic cognitive skills needed to lead to a deeper classroom engagement. Upon completing a 4-year program of study, every graduate of С»ÆÊé will be an independent learner with an interest in lifelong learning. The Tutorial & Enrichment Center (TEC) provides programs and services to help all students at С»ÆÊé meet this goal.



The mission of the Tutorial & Enrichment Center (TEC) is to provide an array of comprehensive tutorial and academic support services in all subjects to enhance the educational success for all С»ÆÊé students through strategic and high-quality instructional-based support programming.


TEC overall objective is for students to succeed by achieving the following outcomes: 

- Expand and grow their internal methods to approach coursework problems with skill efficiency in critical thinking of their reasoning processes and identifying strategies that help them succeed.

- Enhance student approaches to learning from instruction in quantitative/science courses, particularly for solving novel problems by becoming more skilled readers, note-takers, and strategic learners.

- Foster and promote collaborative, curriculum-based learning for students by providing access to trained peer tutors, study groups, online tutoring, technology, and resources.

- Guide, direct, and encourage students to be able to understandings and explicate their reasoning processes and procedures, assess their competency, identify gaps in their expertise, and practice transferring their knowledge and skills to complex, multi-faceted problems.

  • TEC academic resources and services are learner centered,

  • integrity based, service oriented, and supportive.


  • Academic Specific Tutoring Goals


    • - To foster collaborative, curriculum-based learning for students by providing access to trained peer tutors, study groups, online tutoring, technology, and resources.

      To increase student engagement in the learning process, fostering academic improvement and greater understanding in tutored courses.

      To help students develop into autonomous and independent learners by overcoming barriers to understanding course content.

      To serve diverse student populations, reducing barriers for student success by responding to their unique learning needs.


      Academic Specific Skill Development Workshop Goals

      • - To ensure delivery of services that upholds high academic standards, empowering students to become responsible, active, and interdependent learners who can adapt to different learning environments.

        - To help students build the skills necessary to succeed in the classroom and beyond.

        - To provide workshops that are kept small and to discuss topics including time management, study strategies, writing and research, and more. 

        Supplemental Instruction Specific Goals

        • - To ensure delivery of services that upholds high academic standards, empowering students to become responsible, active, and interdependent learners who can adapt to different learning environments. 

        • - To help learners improve midterm and final examination grades, reduce the attrition rate within those courses, and increase the completion rates of students.

        • - To foster collaborative, curriculum-based learning for students by providing access to trained peer tutors, study groups, online tutoring, technology and resources

        • - To provide a safe, comfortable, and welcoming environment that supports teacher instruction and supplements student learning.

        • Location
          Currently, the TEC is operating on the 2nd floor in the Collins-Callaway Library.

          Virtual Hours of Operation
        • Spring 2023 hours of operation for all academic supportive services in TEC are as follows:  

          Mondays through Thursdays 9:00AM-6:00PM

          Fridays 9:00AM-5:00PM

          The TEC provides academic support and tutorial enrichment services when classes are in session. Signing up for services takes just a few minutes.

          Contact Information:

          Ms. Kelly M. Spain, Director

          (706) 821-8341 | TECTutors@Paine.edu



          (706) 821-8345 | TECTutors@Paine.edu


          Professional Academic Tutor

          | TECTutors@Paine.edu


        Academic Supportive Services for Student Success

      • To support the mission of the Tutorial & Enrichment center, an array of academic supportive and enhancement services is provided to:

        • - Increase the academic engagement and persistence rates of students.

          - Help students improve their performance in courses via using individual tutoring sessions, group study labs and skill development workshops.

          - Enhance the enrichment and to broaden students' knowledge in areas of special interest.

          - Empower students to be confident in presenting presentations and written materials that support classroom instruction.

          • Location





          Group Study Math Lab



          Virtual Learning Environment

          Via Zoom link (provided in email)

          Group Study Science Lab



          Virtual Learning Environment

          Via Zoom link (provided in email)

          First Year Writing Seminar


          1PM - 2PM

          Virtual Learning Environment

          Via Zoom link (provided in email)

          Upperclassman Writing Seminar


          2PM - 3PM

          Virtual Learning Environment

          Via Zoom link (provided in email)

          Academic Support Workshop


          1PM - 2PM

          Virtual Learning Environment

          Via Zoom link (provided in email)

          Individual Tutoring


          9AM - 8PM 

          9AM - 5PM

          Virtual Learning Environment

          Via Zoom link (provided in email)

          Online Tutoring Options

          24/7 Access



          Individual Academic Advising


          By appointment

          Virtual Learning Environment

          Via Zoom link (provided in email)

          Upcoming Fall 2023 Events



          Virtual Spring 2022 Academic Success & Skill Development Workshops

          • Zoom Virtual Conference (link provided via flyer that is transmitted to the campus community) 


            1. Tuesday, January 19, 2022

              Tuesday, February 02, 2022
                  TIME MANAGEMENT & STRATEGIC PLANNING How do you spend your 24 hours? 

              Tuesday, February 26, 2022

              Tuesday, March 16, 2022

              Tuesday, March,23, 2022

              Tuesday, March 23, 2022

          • Virtual Spring 2022 Student Empowerment Seminars
        • Zoom Virtual Conference (link provided via flyer that is transmitted to the campus community) 


          1. Tuesday, January 19, 2022 
                 Now That You Are Here, What's Next?

          2. Tuesday, February 02, 2022
                 Collegiate Empowerment College Level Coursework: What Does This Mean?

          3. Tuesday, February 23, 2022
                 Empowered to Succeed (preparing for midterm exams)

            Tuesday, March 09, 2022
                 Social Mixer How Are We Doing?

            Tuesday, March 23, 2022
                 Are You Stressed? Understand the Good, The Bad, and The Unnecessary.

            TEC Virtual Tutorial & Academic Support Resources Found Online

            Khan Academy-This online free academic support service for С»ÆÊé students covers all subjects (math, composition, and science).

            NetTutor-This is a free online academic support service for С»ÆÊé students and includes all math and composition related subjects).

            • Multiple Subjects-Free real time tutoring resources for courses in math, science, and more.


          4. English & Writing Free Online Resources

              College Algebra, Pre-Calculus, and Calculus Free Online Resources 

                1. Learning Style Inventories

                1. Study Strategy Inventory

                1. Study Skills Assessment Inventory

                TEC Service Request Forms

Faculty Classroom Workshop Request

Faculty or Staff Tutoring Referral Form

Individual Academic Coaching Request Form


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