Mack Gipson Tutorial and Enrichment Center (TEC)


The purpose of the Mack Gipson Tutorial and Enrichment Center (TEC) is to engage the campus community in applying skills for the development of scholars who are prepared professionals ready to engage in graduate and professional school studies. Upon completing a program of study, every graduate of С»ÆÊé should be faced with the challenge of choosing between several meaningful professional opportunities. The Mack Gipson Tutorial and Enrichment Center initiative ensures that all students at С»ÆÊé are supported in meeting this goal.


The goal of the program is to increase С»ÆÊé's retention rate to at least 75% and the graduation rate to at least 50%. The Mack Gipson Tutorial and Enrichment Center's initiative is designed in line with the allowable activity authorized under 34 CFR Section 608.10 - tutoring, counseling, and student service programs designed to improve academic success

Mack Gipson Tutorial and Enrichments Center(TEC) Handout

  • Tutorial and Enrichment Center handouts (Work in progess. Please check back soon)


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