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To be considered for an internship at С»ÆÊé, you must complete the following Clearing House Requirements:

1. Complete Internship Inquiry Form (Peter Campus Center Room 216)

2. Submit Resume and Cover Letter (To be reviewed by Career Services)

3. Provide 3 References Letters (advisor, professor, supervisor, RA, coach, etc)

Complete 4 Student Professional Development Workshops*:

  • Resume Writing and Cover Letter Workshop
  • Interviewing 101
  • Effective Job Search
  • Employer Expectations
  • Dress for Success
  • Preparing for Graduate School
  • GRE Overview
  • GRE Vocabulary
  • GRE Quantitative

*Workshops Availability/Titles Subject to Change

Write a statement answering the following questions:

Once all documentation and listed requirements are complete, please contact the Director of Career Services to schedule an appointment for internship applications.

  • What are your career goals?
  • What skills do you need to strengthen in order for you to reach these goals?
  • How will your targeted internship help you to strengthen your skills?
  • What would you describe as the ideal internship for you?


Staging Enabled