Counseling Center


Individual Counseling

The Counseling & Wellness Center provides free, confidential mental health services using a brief and focused treatment model. Generally, counseling tends to be short-term and focuses on stabilization and assisting students to return to their normal functioning. Students presenting with more complex issues that may require long-term therapy are referred to a community agency for assistance.


Couples Counseling

Couples counseling is a great option when you would like to work on a concern related to your relationship with another person. To receive couples counseling, please call us at 706-821-8388 and schedule an initial appointment with a Counselor. We ask that both individuals arrive for the appointment. Only one member of the couple needs to be currently enrolled as a student at С»ÆÊé. During this appointment your counselor will ask some questions to get to know both of you, and your concerns as a couple. Couples counseling follow-up appointments are a common next step.



Referrals are made on a case-by-case basis and take into account such variables as the nature of the specific issues, student's desire for change, available resources at the Counseling & Wellness Center, and the student‘s willingness for private referral.

Note: Individuals who are hostile, suicidal, and/or addicted to drugs and alcohol are immediately referred outside the Center. If you are referred, you must submit an official letter from the agency to the Office of Student Affairs & Enrollment Management for clearance to return to the College (to include classes, residence halls, etc.).



Each semester, the Counseling & Wellness Center offers a variety of workshops and training topics relevant to our campus needs. These topics are based on prevalent issues and concerns related to college students or special topics requested by faculty and staff. Workshop topics include, but are not limited to: self-esteem, relationship issues, depression, stress management, sexual assault, conflict resolution, and other topics related to student health & wellness.


Health Services

The Counseling & Wellness Center also provides referral services to the Campus Physician on an as needed basis. The Campus Physician is within immediate proximity to the campus and is available for consultation, emergency, or other priority health-related situations. All students are required to submit a health form to the College prior to enrollment. All full-time students are enrolled into the Accident and Sickness Insurance plan. Medical procedures are outlined in the Student Handbook.


Disability Services

The Counseling & Wellness Center is the first step in connecting a student to disability services and serving as a liaison in assisting the student in receiving the appropriate accommodations. By practice and policy, С»ÆÊé makes reasonable accommodations for students with properly documented physical, psychological, or learning disabilities that may adversely impact academic performance. Although С»ÆÊé does not have a specific, structured academic program for individuals with disabilities, Disability Services provides support with communication between faculty and students who are eligible to receive reasonable accommodations. To obtain more information regarding Disability Services, please call or visit the Counseling & Wellness Center.


Absence Evaluations

The Counseling Center will issue absence evaluations to students who are absent from classes provided that the student has supporting documentation. When the Counseling Center agrees to issue an absence evaluation to students, these notices do not excuse the absence, nor do they guarantee the student will be permitted to make up any missed assignments or other make up tests. ALL absences are determined excused or unexcused by the individual instructor. The notice ONLY documents that the student's situation indicates that he/she is unable to participate in class for the time allotted.


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